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Description: Michelangelo's art
Category: Art
Release Date: January 27th, 2002
File Size: 3449K (3449586 bytes)
Downloads: 14 for the past Day (Rank: 2877)
62 for the past Week (Rank: 1484)
Author: SamJaf (Samuel & Arturo)
Author HTML:
Content: SamJaf compadres, Ltd
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 14176 11-29-2001 21:08 Project Michelangelo - Recycle bin.wav 196764 12-06-2001 14:08 Project Michelangelo - Cursor busy.ani 3262 11-29-2001 21:21 Project Michelangelo - Cursor help.cur 3262 12-07-2001 14:27 Project Michelangelo - Cursor move.cur 3262 12-07-2001 14:25 Project Michelangelo - Cursor selection.cur 209876 12-06-2001 13:17 Project Michelangelo - Cursor working.ani 3262 11-26-2001 09:07 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-main.cur 3262 12-07-2001 19:31 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-manual pen.cur 3262 11-27-2001 16:18 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-NS.cur 3262 11-27-2001 16:19 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-NW-SE.cur 3262 11-27-2001 16:17 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-SW-NE.cur 3262 12-07-2001 15:12 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-unavailable.cur 3262 11-27-2001 16:18 Project Michelangelo - Cursor-WE.cur 8976 11-29-2001 21:06 Project Michelangelo - Default sound.wav 14176 11-29-2001 21:05 Project Michelangelo - Error.wav 8230 11-29-2001 21:08 Project Michelangelo - Exclamation.wav 72366 11-29-2001 21:07 Project Michelangelo - Exit windows.wav 15676 01-03-1999 11:37 Project Michelangelo - Information.wav 5708 05-15-1998 20:01 Project Michelangelo - Maximize.wav 2358 02-24-1998 14:34 Project Michelangelo - Menu popup.wav 15258 05-15-1998 20:01 Project Michelangelo - Minimize.wav 3262 12-07-2001 13:45 Project Michelangelo - My document.ico 9214 12-07-2001 13:45 Project Michelangelo - My PC.ico 3262 12-02-2001 14:42 Project Michelangelo - Network neighboard.ico 32962 01-03-1999 10:24 Project Michelangelo - Question.wav 6000 11-29-2001 21:06 Project Michelangelo - Critic Stop.wav 6782 11-28-2001 20:34 Project Michelangelo - Recycled bin-empty.ico 9902 11-28-2001 20:36 Project Michelangelo - Recycled bin-full.ico 242450 11-29-2001 12:45 Project Michelangelo - Start windows.wav 6624 12-07-2001 19:31 Project Michelangelo - Text.ani 85962 11-21-2001 18:54 Project Michelangelo - wallangelo.jpg 33255 11-21-2001 19:04 Project Michelangelo - walldavid1.jpg 26571 11-21-2001 19:05 Project Michelangelo - wallvirchrist.jpg 2837041 12-07-2001 21:41 ProjectMichelangelo.exe 6947 12-07-2001 15:43 Project Michelangelo.Theme 109076 11-26-2001 08:43 0827ZMichelangelo05.bmp 120250 11-28-2001 18:54 Michelangelo(SamJaf).zip 1697 12-07-2001 20:14 Read me!!!.txt --------- ------- 4137441 38 files

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